
アークシステムワークス株式会社 社会貢献活動のご報告


ENGLISH translation copy is here.

代表取締役 木戸岡 稔


平素 アークシステムワークスの製品サービスのご購入・ご利用、誠にありがとうございます。



昨年に引き続き コロナ禍の世界の医療にかかわる団体とSDGsに関連する6つの団体に総額300万円の寄付を行いましたことを報告させていただきます。





(株)グランツアセット様 ARC CHARITY CUP 2021 協賛寄付金 ¥100,000
Google ARC CHARITY CUP 2021 Youtubeチャリティ収益分 ¥123,377


日本赤十字社 ¥600,000
国境なき医師団 ¥600,000
国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR) ¥600,000
国連WFP協会 ¥600,000
日本ユニセフ協会 ¥600,000
合計 ¥3,000,000


Arc System Works Co., Ltd. Report on Social Contributions


Arc System Works Co., Ltd.
CEO Minoru Kidooka
All Staff

Arc System Works announces contributions made to the organizations listed below as part of our social contribution activities.

Thank you for your continued use and support of our products and services at Arc System Works.

As part of our goal to enrich the world through games, we have held charity campaigns as of Spring of this year, and received donations from our valued players. We offer our sincere gratitude to everyone.

We have also donated a portion of our sales from such campaigns.

We have donated a total of 3,000,000 yen to six organizations which support medical treatment in areas affected by covid-19, as well as sustainable development goals.

Although our impact may be small, we will continue to make our best effort to contribute to society as we work to enrich the world through games. We ask for your continued cooperation in these endeavors.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed once more. Thank you.

We ask for your understanding and support for the safety and wellbeing of all our valued players and their families and loved ones.

▼Contributing Businesses and Players

GLANZ ASSET MANAGEMENT Ltd. ARC CHARITY CUP 2021 Sponsored Donations 100,000 yen
Google ARC CHARITY CUP 2021 Youtube Charity Revenue 123,377 yen

▼List of Donations (Including the Amounts Provided Above)

Japanese Red Cross Society 600,000 yen
Doctors Without Borders 600,000 yen
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 600,000 yen
World Food Programme 600,000 yen
Japan Committee for UNICEF 600,000 yen
Total 3,000,000 yen



